This is what the Community Health Fund has been supporting (as at May 2020)


Over the past year the Fund has been able to purchase various items of equipment for the practice as well as equipment for 2 newly appointed medical practitioners. It has recently supplied due to Covid 19 requirements locally made scrubs for 18 members of staff and aprons/gloves dispenser and clinical waste bins.  Nebuliser have also been purchased. The Fund pays for the maintenance of all equipment purchased for the practice.


As at May 2020:

  • The Fund is currently hiring 2 stairlifts for patients – 1 with motor neurone disease and the other for a 90 year old man, whose wife who was his carer died and his daughter is now his carer.
  • Acquiring a specialist food blender for a terminally ill child with feeding difficulties. The blender has enabled the child to digest better the finely blended food and it has made a great difference to her parent’s ability to feed her and see her progress.
  • Purchasing a specialist wheelchair for a severely disabled child who will need further funding for ongoing treatment at Great Ormond Hospital in London later in the year. There are 3 other siblings in this 1 parent family.
  • Purchasing Bobath Treatment for a child with Cerebral Palsy and further treatment will be required later in the year. The treatment centre is in London and requires a parent to stay.  This also is a 1 parent family.
  • Counselling sessions have been purchased for a lady unable to fund them. The courses have proved to be beneficial.
  • Music in Mind, Wedmore and Music Matters, Axbridge for sufferers from Alzheimer’s or dementia and their carer’s are both financially funded by the Fund and proving of great benefit for all who attend.
  • The Art Class in Axbridge for patients with various mental or physical needs is also financially funded by the Fund and proving of great benefit to all who attend.


A suction pump has been purchased as well as 2 syringe drivers.  The Fund also paid for a specialist course for the local oncology nurse to attend to improve her skills in caring for patients of Wedmore and Axbridge practice who account for 12% of those under the care of the hospice.

In the past year the Fund has spent just in excess of £22,000 on equipment and services.  The Board are extremely grateful to all those who have made donations to support the work of the Fund.  The donations are usually made in thanks for use of the equipment purchased or in lieu of flowers at a funeral in grateful thanks for the care and attention given to their loved one by the Doctors and nurses of the practice.


If you are a patient with physical needs or know someone who is do not hesitate to contact the Fund secretary: Shirley Wederell on 01934 712089.

If you would like to make a donation then please send to: Mrs. Shirley Wederell, Bramblings, Plud Street, Wedmore BS28 4BE cheques made payable to Wedmore and Axbridge Community Health Fund.


*1 (Registered Charity No:801664)