Organisation Name
Wellbeing Theme Category
Isle of Wedmore Good Neighbours is a group of volunteers who provide practical help to anyone in the local community that requests it.
Need a lift for a medical appointment or a club meeting
Want something collecting from the village chemist or shop?
Got a chore around the house you can’t manage
Just like someone to pop in for a cuppa and company?
Call us on 01934 806299
When & where
Volunteers can offer home visits and can also offer Volunteer Drivers if there is a particular need, for example, to attend a social club or society.
Person to contact
The Duty Co-ordinator
01934 806299
There is no cost for voluntary help, but donations are gratefully accepted to help with the running of the service.
Who can attend
Anyone can contact Good Neighbours if they have a need which we may be able to help with.
Support with attending
If you want to ask for help or offer to volunteer, please call 01934 806299.