Wedmore Community Bus
provides regular local bus travel to Taunton, Bridgwater, Street & Weston-super-mare
We try to pick up and drop off at the homes of all users who need this and at a location that is convenient for other passengers. We are also flexible about drop offs on route.
We are happy to provide help in getting on and off the bus for those who need it.
It’s a friendly place where there’s normally a happy buzz of conversation. Our passengers often meet for a coffee whilst at the destination.
There is one bus a week to
Taunton (Tuesday)
Bridgwater (Wednesday)
Weston-s-Mare (Thursday)
Street (Friday)
All services start picking up passengers at 9.30am then depart for the destination. The buses to Taunton and Weston-s- Mare are back at about 2.45, Bridgwater at about 2.00 and Street at about 1.30pm
Booking is easy, just call the number indicated below against the relevant destination at the time shown and we’ll agree a convenient pick up location and time.
Tuesday to Taunton and Wednesday to Bridgwater - Angeline Duckett on 01934 712631 between 6pm & 6.30 pm on the previous evening.
Thursday to Weston-super-Mare and Friday to Street & Glastonbury - Carol Ayliffe on 01934 713471 between 6pm & 6.30 pm on the previous evening.
Private Hire
Private Hire service will fully resume on 21 June.
For further information visit our Local Directory entry on the Isle of Wedmore website or email us at
Contact details: Mike Bewick, 01934 713745, 07794 781975 or email