Age UK is a registered charity in the United Kingdom, formed on 25 February 2009, and launched on 1 April 2009, which combines the operations of the previously separate charities Age Concern and Help the Aged to form the UK's largest charity for older people. (Wikipedia)
Age UK provides a range of support and services, including help with transport, foot care, exercise classes and an advice line on 0800 678 1602.
Visit: for more information.
This charity provides advice, support and information relating to all types of dementia. There is a broad range of advice, including daily living and legal advice.
Contact: 0300 222 11 22
A helpline for children and young people
FREE confidential helpline, open 24 hours a day, for information, advice and support for children and young people. Childline is a service provided by NSPCC.
Contact details: 0800 1111. For more information go to
Dementia UK fund and support Admiral Nurses, who provide the specialist dementia support that families need. When things get challenging or difficult, our nurses work alongside the entire family, giving them one-to-one support, expert guidance and practical solutions.
The unique dementia expertise and experience an Admiral Nurse brings is a lifeline – it helps families to live more positively with dementia in the present, and to face the challenges of tomorrow with more confidence and less fear.
Contact: 0800 888 6678
FCN has been working with farming families in Somerset since 1995. It is a national organisation which gives pastoral support and practical help to farmers, farm workers and their families. Many problems occurring in farming communities are only relevant to them. Farming is a unique way of life and so often everything is tied up in the farm - livelihood, daily work routine, identity and life style. Recent years have been particularly stressful for farmers and the aim of FCN is to alleviate some of this stress by dealing with some of the practical problems and listening to their concerns. FCN volunteers have a range of expertise, but all have farming experience. Their main role is to walk with farming families as they go through tough times and the main objective is to support them for as long as it takes to resolve the different issues.
Local contact is Suzie Wilkinson, or call the National Helpline 03000 111 999 or email
Role: Health Coaches can support you to make important lifestyle changes which will improve your physical and emotional wellbeing. They will encourage you to be proactive in staying healthy and making positive changes in your life.
Contact: There are three Health Coaches attached to Axbridge & Wedmore Practice, Sonia, Paula or Holly. They can be contacted via Axbridge Surgery, telephone 01934 732464
There are two Health Coaches attached to Cheddar Practice. Contact Cheddar Practice reception and book an appointment to speak to Health Coaches Adele or Anouska.
Helpline for older people
FREE confidential helpline, open 24 hours a day, for information, friendship, and advice for people in later life. This organisation is a charity, founded by Dame Esther Rantzen.
Contact details: Calls are free on a landline on 0800 4708090 or from a mobile at local rate on 0300 4708090. For more information go to
Wedmore Community Bus
provides regular local bus travel to Taunton, Bridgwater, Street & Weston-super-mare
We try to pick up and drop off at the homes of all users who need this and at a location that is convenient for other passengers. We are also flexible about drop offs on route.
We are happy to provide help in getting on and off the bus for those who need it.
It’s a friendly place where there’s normally a happy buzz of conversation. Our passengers often meet for a coffee whilst at the destination.
There is one bus a week to
Taunton (Tuesday)
Bridgwater (Wednesday)
Weston-s-Mare (Thursday)
Street (Friday)
All services start picking up passengers at 9.30am then depart for the destination. The buses to Taunton and Weston-s- Mare are back at about 2.45, Bridgwater at about 2.00 and Street at about 1.30pm
Booking is easy, just call the number indicated below against the relevant destination at the time shown and we’ll agree a convenient pick up location and time.
Tuesday to Taunton and Wednesday to Bridgwater - Angeline Duckett on 01934 712631 between 6pm & 6.30 pm on the previous evening.
Thursday to Weston-super-Mare and Friday to Street & Glastonbury - Carol Ayliffe on 01934 713471 between 6pm & 6.30 pm on the previous evening.
Private Hire
Private Hire service will fully resume on 21 June.
For further information visit our Local Directory entry on the Isle of Wedmore website or email us at
Contact details: Mike Bewick, 01934 713745, 07794 781975 or email
Function/role: Village Agents work with people 18+ dealing with a wide variety of issues. This can include finding help in the home to maintain independence, support to engage in local activities and signposting to services individuals struggle to access.
Helping to solve these problems may, ultimately, help older people to remain living independently for longer. Village Agents also have the role of helping to shape services by feeding back to the appropriate body information about gaps in service e.g. transport provision. They can also motivate and support a community to respond to a local need by working together to address issues e.g. by helping them to set up a coffee morning for a group of people who are isolated or start a volunteer car scheme.
So perhaps our first point of contact for any local services relating to health and wellbeing could be our Village Agent. Our Village Agent is: Lina Curiale-Hopkinson call 07375 371549