Organisation Name
Wellbeing Theme Category

Get fit and meet people

When & where
Draycott Village Hall on Tuesdays from 9:30-10:30
Person to contact
Rhian Weston
07854 594268
£6 per session
Who can attend
Open to anyone over 50. Optional chair variation for people with limited mobility.
Support with attending
Contact Rhian Weston to discuss.
Wellbeing Theme Category

To help increase core strength, improve body alignment and flexibility.

When & where
Thursday 1.30 - 2.30pm Wedmore Scout Hut
Person to contact
Michelle Reynolds
07825 543414
Cost is £45 for a seven week term (pro rata payment available)
Who can attend
All abilities
Support with attending
Not available
Organisation Name
Wellbeing Theme Category

For sport and social interaction

When & where
All year round at the recreation ground, indoor and outdoor sessions from 09.30am
Person to contact
Dave Nicholls
01934 713843
Annual fees shown on website
Who can attend
Open to all
Support with attending
Disabled facilities are available at club.  No transport available.
Organisation Name
Wellbeing Theme Category

Fun class to strengthen muscles, improve balance, core strength, flexibility and promote relaxation.

When & where
Tuesday mornings in term time from 9:45 to 10:45am at Wedmore Masonic Hall
Person to contact
Jo Willis (qualified yoga teacher and chair yoga therapist)
07552 711101
£8.00 per hour session. "pay as you go", no booking required.
Who can attend
Suitable for seniors, office workers and anyone wanting to improve their health and wellbeing.
Support with attending
No provision available at present
Organisation Name
Wellbeing Theme Category

Sport and Social

When & where
See Wedmore News for up to date information or Facebook page for Wedmore Cricket Club
Person to contact
Juniors: Matt LLoyd (jnr coach)- Seniors: Bob Burgess (President)- Ladies and girls: Chaz Maguire (secretary)
Juniors: Matt 07973 810786 / Seniors: Bob 07748 301081 / Ladies: Chaz 07867 527996
Seniors - £20 per year plus match fees Juniors - £30 inclusive
Who can attend
Open to all ages from 5 yrs old, any gender. Open to non-players who would assist with matches as umpires.
Support with attending
Affiliated to Somerset League and committed to their disability policies. Contact Chaz Maguire to discuss.
Wellbeing Theme Category

Football Association Charter Standard Community Club providing opportunities for Men and Women to play football.

When & where
U18's, Ladies, Senior, Reserves and Veterans. Training during the week with weekend matches
Person to contact
Nick Beason (Club Chairman) or Charlotte Monson (Club Secretary)
(Nick) 07951 154692 / (Charlotte) 07712 006032
Annual fee varies
Who can attend
16 plus for the Womens/Mens teams and over 35 years for the Veterans
Support with attending
Contact Nick Beason or Charlotte Monson to discuss
Organisation Name
Wellbeing Theme Category

To provide an opportunity for people of all ages to play golf and participate in club social activities. Lessons and League Golf available

When & where
Wedmore Golf Club, Lineage, Lascot Hill, Wedmore BS28 4QT
Person to contact
Emma Davies or Pro Shop
(Emma) 01934 712222 or (Pro Shop) 01934 712452
Please contact the office to learn about the various alternatives available
Who can attend
Open to anyone
Support with attending
None available
Organisation Name
Wellbeing Theme Category

Holistic exercise for posture, core strength, mobility & improved breathing.

When & where
Various levels and various locations. Contact Anna to discuss which is best for you.
Person to contact
Anna MacGregor
07587 703883
£8 per hour session. Booking essential
Who can attend
Suitable for all abilities and levels of experience
Organisation Name
Wellbeing Theme Category

Pilates helps with core strength, body alignment, flexibility, mobility and balance.

When & where
Classes held at Cheddar Catholic hall on Tuesdays 9.15 and 10.30 Blackford villiage hall on Wednesdays 9.15 and 10.30 Winscombe community centre on Thursdays 9.15
Person to contact
Lucy Brown
07813 913309
£9.00 per class, payable per half term in advance.
Who can attend
Suitable for all levels.
Support with attending
No transport offered
Organisation Name
Wellbeing Theme Category

Fitness, health and vitality

When & where
Contact John to discuss where and when
Person to contact
John Beasley
01749 672482
£6.00 per drop-in session
Who can attend
Open to all
Support with attending
Contact John to discuss. Chair support for those who need it