Organisation Name

This is a Community Choir, not a church choir. It provides opportunities to sing together for fun & enjoyment and to meet together.

The choir sings at social occasions, eg weddings, fetes and in care homes.

When & where
Blackford Church, 8 – 9pm on Monday evenings during the autumn, in preparation for community carols at Christmas and any other outreach activity.
Person to contact
Deirdre (Bun) Sisson
01934 713617
Free. A voluntary contribution for church funds is welcome, but there is no obligation
Who can attend
Everyone welcome, no audition is required
Support with attending
Contact Deirdre (Bun) Sisson to discuss.
Organisation Name

To enjoy the study, practice and public performance of a wide selection of choral music; helping to raise funds for charitable institutions and purposes.

When & where
Rehearsal nights are each Tuesday 7.30 to 9.30 at Draycott Memorial Hall
Person to contact
For recruitment contact John Morgan
07888 717536
Full members pay an annual subscription, new singers interested in sampling the experience welcome free.
Who can attend
Any man, from those experienced in male choral singing to those wishing to give it a try for the first time.
Support with attending
Members come from a wide area around Cheddar and Wedmore, and car sharing may well be possible.
Organisation Name

A well established community group, involving local people to put on annual, high quality opera productions in Wedmore

When & where
Meetings and rehearsals for specific productions. See website or Isle of Wedmore News for details
Person to contact
Phyllida shaw
07540 110057
Annual membership for chorus is £20
Who can attend
Open to anyone who has an interest in opera, singers and backstage crew
Support with attending
Contact Phyllida to discuss.