
A society for men, designed for self improvement and to do charity work.

When & where
Masonic Hall second Tuesday each month from October to May at 6.30pm
Person to contact
Robert Hector
01934 712954
Annual subscription of £85
Who can attend
Open to men who believe in a superior being.
Support with attending
Contact Robert Hector to discuss.
Organisation Name

A welcoming place for the whole community and also for regular Christian worship.

When & where
Services every Sunday at 10.30am - Prayer meetings, Men's & Ladies events also held on regular occasions. Youth Group, in normal term times.
Person to contact
Mrs Sam Harvey
01934 710779
All free events
Who can attend
Everyone is welcome, of any faith and none.
Support with attending
Contact Sam Harvey to discuss.
Organisation Name

To enable the whole village to meet together for an evening to celebrate the harvest

When & where
The event is held each year on the 1st Saturday in August in the field in the church. There are also fund-raising events throughout the year, eg the ‘Winter Warming’ evening
Person to contact
Mike Isgar
01934 712087
Ticket prices are set for the harvest home event as low as possible, to enable as many people as possible to come.
Who can attend
Open to everyone.
Support with attending
Contact Mike Isgar to discuss.
Organisation Name

Social interaction, exchange of ideas and patterns

When & where
Alternate Wednesdays 10am to 12mid-day. Check dates in Wedmore News or Isle of Wedmore website. Small Hall of Wedmore Village Hall (use back door)
Person to contact
Ruth Edkins
01934 710064
£15.00 twice yearly to cover hire of hall
Who can attend
Open to anyone interested in sewing, patchwork and quilting. Visitors welcome to pop in for chat and a cup of coffee
Support with attending
Not available.
Organisation Name

Registered Charity No. 1184104

Service to the community, including fund-raising and supporting local projects.

When & where
Business meetings are held as necessary at The Kings Head, Silver Street, Cheddar. Second Thursday of each month from 7.30pm.
Person to contact
Brian Airey, Secretary
0345 8337402
£84 per year, payable monthly
Who can attend
Membership details by request. Contact Kerry Wood or via website.
Support with attending
Contact Brian Airey to discuss
Organisation Name

To meet together, primarily for Christian worship, but also for community events

When & where
Regular services held, as set out in the Wedmore News. Additional events, eg Theale Show, Coffee Mornings, Theale Community Cafe.
Person to contact
Noreen Stott, Church Warden or Reverend Richard Neill
Noreen – 01934 713464 or Richard – 01934 713566
No cost to attend services.
Who can attend
Open to all.
Support with attending
Please contact Noreen or Richard to discuss.
Organisation Name

A social get-together with a variety of interests

When & where
Monthly get-together on 3rd Wednesday of each month, excluding August. In winter months at the Masonic Hall at 2.30 with a speaker, summer months include a coach trip.
Person to contact
Pauline Lunn or Heather Banwell
(Pauline) 01934 732517 (Heather) 01934 712216
Annual membership of £5.00
Who can attend
Open to any adult over 50 years of age.
Support with attending
Not available
Organisation Name

The group is an umbrella organisation to co-ordinate, explore and encourage sustainable living, as it could apply in practical terms to Wedmore and the surrounding villages

When & where
1st Monday of the month, at The Swan at 8pm.
Person to contact
Steve Mewes
No cost
Who can attend
Open to anyone
Support with attending
Contact Steve to discuss.

To meet together, primarily for Christian worship, but also for community events

When & where
Regular services held, as set out in the Isle of Wedmore News. Additional events, eg Sunday Breakfast
Person to contact
Reverend Richard Neill
01934 713566
No cost to attend services.
Who can attend
Open to all.
Support with attending
Please contact Richard to discuss.
Organisation Name

To spread the news of the Christian message

When & where
Sunday service at 10.30am. Family service once a month at 10.30am. Wedmore Methodist Church Sand Road, Wedmore. BS28 4BZ Details in Wedmore News.
Person to contact
Rev Meg Slingo 01934 852314, Bill Hudson, Church Steward or Mike Bewick Lay Preacher & Pastoral & Community Worker 01934 713745or
01934 712572
No cost to attend services. A voluntary offertory is collected at services.
Who can attend
Open to everyone – newcomers welcome.
Support with attending
Contact to discuss, but transport not available.