Organisation Name

The group is an umbrella organisation to co-ordinate, explore and encourage sustainable living, as it could apply in practical terms to Wedmore and the surrounding villages

When & where
Last Thursday of every month, Wedmore village Farm, 7.30pm
Person to contact
Steve Mewes
07841 336720
No cost
Who can attend
Open to anyone
Support with attending
Contact Steve to discuss.

To meet together, primarily for Christian worship, but also for community events

When & where
Regular services held, as set out in the Isle of Wedmore News. Additional events, eg Sunday Breakfast
Person to contact
Reverend Richard Neill
01934 713566
No cost to attend services.
Who can attend
Open to all.
Support with attending
Please contact Richard to discuss.
Organisation Name

To spread the news of the Christian message

When & where
Sunday service at 10.30am. Family service once a month at 10.30am. Wedmore Methodist Church Sand Road, Wedmore. BS28 4BZ Details in Wedmore News.
Person to contact
Rev Meg Slingo 01934 852314, Bill Hudson, Church Steward or Mike Bewick Lay Preacher & Pastoral & Community Worker 01934 713745or
01934 712572
No cost to attend services. A voluntary offertory is collected at services.
Who can attend
Open to everyone – newcomers welcome.
Support with attending
Contact to discuss, but transport not available.
Organisation Name

An opportunity to share friendship and music in a relaxed and supportive group

When & where
Masonic Hall, usually every fortnight on a Monday, from 2.15 to 3.30pm
Person to contact
Stella Moore, Music Therapist or Heather Banwell
(Stella) 01934 732282 or (Heather) 01934 712216
No cost to people attending, but a donation is welcomed. Supported by local charities
Who can attend
Open to carers and people with memory difficulties. Local musicians are very welcome to join us occasionally and provide a short performance as part of the session.
Support with attending
Contact Stella or Heather for more information and to discuss.
Organisation Name

To meet, chat, share and sing! Previous singing experience not necessary, we sing for enjoyment!

When & where
The group meet fortnightly on Tuesdays from 2.30 – 3.30pm, at Axbridge Town Hall
Person to contact
Maureen Campbell
07984 099031
£2 donation is requested
Who can attend
open for people with memory difficulties, their carers and other members of the community who feel isolated.
Support with attending
Contact Maureen for advice
Organisation Name

Outings to theatre, opera and ballet

When & where
Day trips and outings by coach. Details published in Wedmore News.
Person to contact
Suzanne Metters
01934 712515
Variable costs, depending on coach hire and ticket price
Who can attend
Open to all – please request to be put on mailing list
Support with attending
Coach transport & booked seats for the shows
Organisation Name

To connect people who work together to solve community problems and promote goodwill.

"Service above self"

When & where
The George Inn, Wedmore. Thursday evenings 7 for 7.30 pm
Person to contact
John Mander (Secretary)
01761 412007 or 07724 343886
Annual subscription and meal costs
Who can attend
Open to everyone
Support with attending
Support with transport available. Please contact John Mander to discuss

To continue the tradition of change ringing at St Mary’s church, the original purpose of which was to call people to church services

When & where
Ringers practice Monday evenings at 5pm. The bells are rung every Sunday at 9.45am before the Sunday service and on other special occasions, eg weddings.
Person to contact
Kevin Baldwin
07763 813524
No cost to ringers to join. Fee paid to ringers for weddings
Who can attend
Anyone who has an interest in ringing or learning to ring.
Support with attending
Contact Kevin Baldwin to discuss
Organisation Name

To meet together, primarily for Christian worship, but also for community events

When & where
Regular services held, as set out in the Wedmore News. Additional events, eg fair Trade Coffee Shop and Traidcraft sales and Messy Church.
Person to contact
Liz Anderson, Church Warden or Reverend Richard Neill
Liz - 07871 103257or Richard – 01934 713566
No cost to attend services.
Who can attend
Open to all.
Support with attending
Please contact Liz or Richard to discuss.
Organisation Name

To promote interest in and care for the conservation, beauty and attractive features of the parish of Wedmore.

When & where
4th Thursday in the month, January to May and September to November, at 7.30pm in the Masonic Hall.
Person to contact
Jean Gregory
01934 900051
Annual membership of £14.00 single person or £25.00 per couple. Non member - £4.00 per meeting.
Who can attend
Open to all who are interested in the aim of the society.
Support with attending
Not applicable.