Organisation Name

Informal social gathering for a chat and a cuppa

When & where
The Lady Chapel at St Mary’s Church, on the 2nd Friday of each month, 3.00 to 4.30pm
Person to contact
Heather Banwell
01934 712216
No charge, but donations to the heating of the church are welcome.
Who can attend
Open to anyone who is living/feeling alone and would like an afternoon of company with like-minded people
Support with attending
Contact Heather Banwell to discuss. Transport can be arranged.
Organisation Name

A club for people who enjoy getting together and watching the latest films on a monthly basis.

Note:  Theale Village Hall is closed for refurbishment until April 2025 - call Bernard Coulter to check when we're re-starting

When & where
Theale Village Hall, once a month on the third Sunday evening of the month. Details in Wedmore News.
Person to contact
Bernard Coulter
01934 712144
Annual subscription of £16.00 for 12 films. Temporary membership for individual films available. Children free (aged 14 & under accompanied by an adult)
Who can attend
Open to anyone.
Support with attending
Contact Bernard to discuss.
Organisation Name

To hold an annual village event with entertainments & including a competition to present the best of a range of items & skills, e.g: children’s handicrafts produce, handicrafts, baking, wine, beers and photography.

Please note the Theale show will NOT be held in 2025 due to a shortage of volunteers.

(Formerly known as "Theale Flower Show", we changed our name to Theale Show in 2020)

When & where
The annual show is held on the 1st Saturday in September, but not in 2025. There are fund-raising events during the year.
Person to contact
Cathy Butterworth - Show Secretary
01934 806157
Small charge to enter the competition and to visit the show.
Who can attend
All welcome to the annual event. Supporters and helpers on the day and throughout the year welcome.
Support with attending
Contact Cathy to discuss.
Organisation Name

This is a sociable club, giving members the chance for a chat, a good hot meal and occasionally listen to a speaker, watch a demonstration or very occasionally have a trip out.

Officially it is a Mini Day Centre and comes under the Social Services department of Somerset County Council.

(Run by volunteers and more helpers are always welcome)

When & where
The club meets every Tuesday from 10:30 until 14:30 at Wedmore Village Hall.
Person to contact
Lesley Nicolls
01934 712045
The Tuesday Club receives a grant from Somerset community fund, with members paying a small contribution towards the meal and transport.
Who can attend
The club is for older people living in and around the Wedmore area. Members are mostly over 70.
Support with attending
Contact Lesley to discuss. Transport is available from volunteer drivers.
Organisation Name

To foster friendly relations with St Médard de Guizieres, our twinned town in France

When & where
Fund-raising events with visits to and from St. Medard in alternate years
Person to contact
Nickey Hann
01278 641162 or 07801 847064
Cost of visits and entertaining French guests varies
Who can attend
Anyone who lives in or near Wedmore
Support with attending
Transport is laid on for trips during visits.
Wedmore Arts Festival
Organisation Name

Wedmore Arts Festival is a ‘not for profit’ organisation which exists to promote the tradition of arts-based events in the area by staging a broad range of high-quality creative activities designed to bring together.

Next Festival is from 9th to 18th May 2025.

When & where
An annual event with many different acts, artists and performances in different venues.
Person to contact
Suzanne Metters
01934 807229
Each event has a separate cost.
Who can attend
Open to anyone.
Support with attending
Call 01934 807229 or email
Organisation Name

Celebration of harvest with a full day of entertainment, street procession, lunch, children's tea,  games and evening party.

When & where
Annually on the 3rd weekend in August at the village field, Wedmore
Person to contact
For information about tickets please ring Rachel Bennett on 07807 156069
Who can attend
Open to all
Support with attending
Contact Chairperson to discuss.
Organisation Name

To promote health and wellbeing amongst men by providing a space to meet and enjoy the company of others while engaging in activities that may be of interest. We have a garden with greenhouse, a workshop and plenty of space for projects as well as undertaking work in the community in support of other local groups.

When & where
The Men’s Shed Wedmore Village Farm Plud Street Wedmore BS28 4 BH Tuesday 0930 – 1200 Thursday 1400 - 1630
Person to contact
David Kirley
£40.00 per year payable November. ½ year from May at £20.
Who can attend
Men of all ages welcome, you do not need skills of any kind. We are a friendly group who engage in a number of activities / social events and monthly trips.
Support with attending
Members can be paired with others who may live nearby. There is car parking available at the Shed
Organisation Name

A well established community group, involving local people to put on annual, high quality opera productions in Wedmore

When & where
Meetings and rehearsals for specific productions. See website or Isle of Wedmore News for details
Person to contact
Phyllida shaw
07540 110057
Annual membership for chorus is £20
Who can attend
Open to anyone who has an interest in opera, singers and backstage crew
Support with attending
Contact Phyllida to discuss.
Wedmore Real Ale Festival
Organisation Name

A not-for-profit organisation, which puts on a real ale festival for the community to enjoy, through which it raises money for the local causes.

When & where
It is an annual event, taking place on the 3rd weekend of September. There is live music throughout the weekend, with beer, wine, cider and food.
Person to contact
James Turbitt
07970 797644
There is an entry fee in the evenings of the festival, Friday and Saturday.
Who can attend
After 6pm entry is for over 18s only. During the day families can attend.
Support with attending
Contact James Turbitt to discuss.